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Announcement from SIE
来源:International students office     日期:2016-11-22    浏览:

Announcement from SIE


To all the students,

After evaluating the academic environment over the past years and students behavior, SIE is now hereby announce to all the students:

Starting from this week, your class representatives (Alex, Jerry, Michael etc.) and other teachers will go classroom by classroom to check your attendance and keep the record.

This record will be a major reference in the future for VISA RENEWAL, SCHOLARSHIP ASSESSMENT, etc. HBUT will not tolerate such students to stay and bring bad impact on others.

If has eligible reasons for not attending certain class, student shall follow the procedure to get written permission from the office. For details and procedures, you can check the regulation on student management.

To remind you once again, all your attendance will be recorded for future use, please abide the rules and behavior yourself.

We wish you a successful journey in HBUT and a remarkable talent afterwards.


            International students office

           November 21, 2016