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提醒毕业生备考HSK考试的通知Reminder Notice on Preparation of HSK
来源:国际学院     日期:2022-10-13    浏览:


Reminder Notice on Preparation of HSK


In accordance with the regulations of Article 3, Chapter II, Article 5 & 6, Chapter III of Rules of Hubei University of Technology for Granting Degrees to International Students in China (Revised), the international students enrolled in 2019 summer term shall be granted the related degrees when meeting the following requirements:


1. International students whose subjects are taught in Chinese shall reach level five in the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) before graduation;


2. International students (undergraduates) whose subjects are taught in a foreign language shall reach level four in the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) before graduation; postgraduates and doctoral students shall reach level three in the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) before graduation;  

3. 硕士研究生须以第一作者或导师署名为第一作者、申请人为第二作者,单位署名为湖北工业大学,在各培养学院认可的期刊上发表学术论文1篇(含会议论文、EI);博士研究生须以第一作者或导师署名为第一作者、申请人为第二作者,单位署名为湖北工业大学,在湖北工业大学科学技术发展研究院认可的A类期刊上发表论文2篇。

3. During schooling, a postgraduate must publish one thesis in a journal (including conference thesis, EI), recognized by the school in which he/she is studying as the first author, or as the second author, with their supervisor as the first author and "Hubei University of Technology" as the organization to which he/she belongs; a doctoral student shall publish two theses in the prestigious periodicals recognized by the Research Institute for Development of Science and Technology of Hubei University of Technology in which he/she is studying as the first author, or as the second author, with his or her supervisor as the first author and "Hubei University of Technology" as the organization to which he/she belongs.


In order to pursue full implementation of Rules of Hubei University of Technology for Granting Degrees to International Students in China (Revised), SIE will set up a HSK tutoring team and release the schedule by the end of March. Please pay attention to the follow-up notice and actively participate in the tutoring so as to successfully reach the targeted level of HSK.


The registered international students are requested to sign up actively, prepare carefully, do time arrangements reasonably combining with your own learning capacity and graduation requirements so as to obtain the corresponding level of HSK certificate in time. The term of validity of HSK certificate is 2 years.


If you have any question, please consult the tutor Mr. Xiong Weijie (Ted) of our HSK tutoring team. Please scan the code below to add him as a friend, with leaving a message "HSK test + student ID" to pass the verification.